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Tuesday, March 29, 2011 he's the one for me?

Ak tol2 hope dpt jadi kapel yg ala2 cm korean-romantic style mcm neyy..sweet! Laki korea adalah my ideal type...actually,i'm a kpop lover...see my blog's name?? dats a proof n all my blogs belowww...mostly i'd write about my interest and adore to this so popular entertainment stream.....

wanna know something?? 
ak hrap he's the one for me...memanglaa basically he's not my type....memang tade stu pon yg i really want a good,wise,matured man as my future to be soulmate...jeng3! siape dye...hnye bestfren ak jea tawu...ideal type does not mean i have to find a real one,then get married..mcm tuh,pas graduate pon ak takkn kawin n have kids kalu beria sgt na berlakikan korean namja....hahak..(namja adelah laki dlm bhase korea)

how did it just came like that all of a sudden...unbearable sweaty sumtimes,heart all beating so fast...yess,got an ache at ma stomach whenever i'm feeling nervous...i'd finally totally falling for his charm....

actually,we're in the same class...and he's a lott better than me in anything making me feel like "is he really the one for me...??" From all aspects,we're not paired up for each other in any of all the criteria...he's maybe cute,good-looking though sumtimes...(only who'd fallen for him would say so i guess..hehe),he's brilliant and so smart2...++,he's generous..thats why he'd choosen as the leader...and the most charming about him...he is "alim"...i really2 need a guy who's very fussy about religious him...pray a lott...i want a guy who can guide me to pray jemaah together with him...reciting "Yaasin" together every thursday's nite...

So,I'm begging...i hope there's one for me when the time comes,eventhough if he's not the one for me...=D

Saturday, March 19, 2011


INFINITE (Korean인피니트) diorang neh band baru arr....aku jatuh ati kt dorng sejak dorang debut lagu "BTD" atau lebih dikenali sebagai "Before The Dawn".INFINITE adalah sebuah band Korea yg makin mningkat naik namanyer consist of 7 members i told u babe....di atas tu ak uploadkn video dorng so,korang leh tgok n tol2 rse impressed thadap dorng neyy...

baiklaahhh!! tanpa perlu memanjang2kan ayat ak..ak introducekan..the seven2 ahli dorng neyy...start dengn leader dorng! xlen x bukan exquisite vocalist Sung Gyu
Name: Kim Sung Gyu
Birthday: April 28, 1989
Height: 178 cm
Position: Leader of Infinite and main vocal
Height: 178cm
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music.
Talent: Speaking Chinese

                                           and infinite's L@MYUNG SOO

L (Vocal & Face of Infinite)

Name: Kim Myung Soo (김명수)
Birthdate: 13/03/1992
Height: 178cm
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Cooking, exercise, rap.
Talent: Rap.

                                         our innocent,ADORABLE SUNG YEOL!!

ღLee SungYeol 이성열ღ
Name: Lee Sung Yeol (이성열)
Birthdate: 27/08/1991
Height: 180cm
Blood Type: B
Talent: Rap.

                             our charismatic,body-builder HOYA@HO WON
ღLee HoWon 이호원ღ
HoYa (Vocal,Rap & Dance)

Name: Lee Ho Won (이호원)
Birthdate: 26/03/1991
Height: 175cm
Blood Type: AB
Hobbies: Playing games.
Talents: Dance, rap.

              and ag stu....powerful vocal,look-alike shinee's jonghyun..WOO HYUN

ღNam WooHyun 남우현ღ
WooHyun (Main Vocal)

Name: Nam Woo Hyun (남우현)
Birthdate: 08/02/1991
Height: 176cm
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Skiing, tennis.
Talent: Cooking.

                             our cute,maknae....baik2 comeyy SUNG JONG

ღLee SungJong (이성종)ღ
SungJong (Vocal, Maknae)

Name: Lee Sung Jong (이성종)
Birthdate: 03/09/1993
Height: 177cm
Blood Type: A

                                   and our rapper...well-hygiened among infinites's DONG WOO
ღJang DongWoo 장동우ღ
DongWoo (Rapper)

Name: Jang Dong Woo (장동우)
Birthdate: 22/11/1990
Height: 175cm
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Skateboarding.
Talent: Beatboxing, snowboarding.

AND kat bwah neyy ak attachlaa skit bape2 gmbo deme yg ak ade~~~                       

 neh wktu dorng debut lgu "Before The Dawn"

and neh lakk photoshoot ntuk mv lgu baru dorng yg bru jea kua 17 mac neyy... "Nothing's Over"

nak tgok mv baru dorang  "Nothing's Over" jom,ak uploadkn kt bwah...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


love at first sight crush for about 6 years~~

the story starts when....erm...biler ae?? ow..yeahh..wktu ak drjah 2 ato 3 cmtu at first sight kott....hehe~~ sjak dari skola rndah ag....dr drjah 2 smpailaa drjah 6 ak minat kt sorang mmat tawu sape dye....baiklaa..kerana rmai kwan ak..ehem..followers ak kwan2 bek ak sndiri n kwan pompuan,ak tnpa segan silunyer na gtaww my long-long crush is 'ahmad afiq b zainun abidin'..hahak! malu??  tidak..saya tak bape malu walupun de rase malu jogeum...hehe~~ ini blog saye so,ske ati sayelaa kn na tulih pape...saper ta ske..lantak kt kornglaa...screw off from my page....shhuuhhuuuhhh! 

camne ae ak leh jtuh hati kt dye...haahh! stu mse uhh..wktu ak drjah satu...ak na knalkan ak malu! ta leh na kua stu ptah kate ape ttibe de budak laki jerit.."saye kenal die,cikgu!" hahahh! dye pon pkenalkan laa ak kt cikgu kelas ak siap ngan name ak.asal ak.tadika ak dulu kt ayah ak.. tkjut ak biler sume yg dye cer sgt btul! n ckgu pon cm tkjut doe tgok dye bleh mnerangkan segale2nye pesal ak~~ ak pon ag heart pounding so fast! as well as my nerves,arteries n veins...even the blood capillaries also!
ak konpius r kan..saper mmat nehh..ak da r ta knal dye,ttibe dye lak leh sesuke ati jea trang pesal ak kt ckgu..plik! ak tkut kott kt dye mule2 dlu~~sbb ak rser dak neyy cm pervert pon ader...kah3...ak jauhkn dri dr dye walopon dye cm interested giler na kwan ngn kn...

ttibe satu ari, de knduri doa selamat kwan ayah ak...kwan bek dye waktu skola mnengah dlu ktenyer dorng uhhh bestfren-tight2 kt clifford,kk dlu~~umah uhh kt blakang kwasan prumahan ak...kwan ayah ak bru pindh kt dye kbtulan jumpe ayah ak kt mne ntah..sembng punyer sembng tgok2 umah depe bdue dkt,truslaa dye ajk ayah ak g knduri doa slamt dye en~mlm uhh..bgayye ngn bju krungkuu..ak pon g umah dye knduri doa slamat...ak duk sbelah ayah ak en,tman dye sembng ngn tuan punyer umah merangkap bpak afiq nehh r...ttibe de r dak laki sorng cm lintas kt ak..argghh,tidakkk! budak 'perv' neh ag...ak pluk kaki ayah ak kwat2...(dsebbkan ak agk rndah wktu uhh..tggi ak hnye smpai kaki ayah ak upper part oke) tp budk uhh tak lari kt ak..dye lari blakang ak...ak pon cm..'fuuhh,nsib bek' tp tgok2 dye da bdiri sbelah kwan ayah ak n tngah tsnyum kt ak~~ ak tkjut! n ak pon tsedu (gara2 kerna kndungan gas karbondioksida yg byk dlm belly ak+effect tkjut wat ak tsedu-sedan)( dak neh nak r?? pstu kwan ayah ak cm tsnyum tgok ak...dye pon pgang tgn dak uhh..n ckap neh anak dye afiq n dye satu kelas ngn nadia...tak ingat?? isshh! ak rupenyer daa berprasangka burok thdap dak neh! dye pon ajklaa ak men ngn,ak menlaa kn...men2..dye citerlaa kt ak ayah dye citer pesl family ak kt dye,so dye knal laa ak...cos first skol ag,,,ayah dye anto n tnjuk kt dye ank kwan ayah dye..trus dye jdik intrested giler na kwan ngn ak~~tak lame pstu kitorng jdi kwan bek kt skola n skola agame...dye bek r..jokin around tp dye tak gak treat ak as a girl special or somewhat tp dye just treat ak cm fren gitu~~~ 

n lame2 ak pasan ak da ske dye biler ak tkantoi usya dye lame2 kt skola agame wktu klas 'khat' dye pon tgok ak plik n jrit 'woii! tgok2 pe r?' isshh..kntoi la plak,,,,bdoh2...malu ak! hahak..sjak uhh ak prasan ak ske kt dye...jntung dye ta mint pon kt ak...hehe~ n ak ta pnah pon luah prasaan ak kt dye sbb ak tanak r sbb minat+ske..kitorang awkward biler na men sme2..ak ingt ag kitorng pnah duk bwah meja sme2 wktu skola agame sembng2..hahak! knangan manis doe...wktu bdae kt umah..dye duk sbelah ak lme2...n dye kdang2 g umah ak n ak pon kdang2 g umah dye...ak rser dye pon prasan ak ske dye cume dye ta pnah jdikan tuh pghalang ntuk ak kwan ngn dye..treat ak cm besek..daebakk r afiqq...thanx k! i appreciate it so2 much~~ko laa kenangan terindah ak~~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


.inilaa ruper muke ak smentara menunggu kak ina,agentkuu smpai d umah ntuk amek ak.

ak punyelaa nervous cos ak qti test ari da blalu laa...biler ae?? ahha..isnin bru neh jea...7 mac 2011...
~~Tp en...nasib tak myebelahi ak! wuwuu~~
ak trylaa qti moto en..ak lupe lakk na wat 10 lngkah ptame sblom mrempit d bhagian seb bek yg len ak wat oke n ak pas qti moto....
first2 ak smpai simpang pulai driving cnter uhh kn....ak blaja driving kete dlu...praktis sblom qti wat 3 pnjuru....lame2 da buleh...then ak praktis moto lakk....oke juge~~ yippee!

~dgn yakinnyer ak raser ak leh wat ari neh...! ak pon ngan semangat berkobar2 nehh...tggu laa gliran alhmdulillh moto pass....flying colours!! wee~~

~Ak dpat r tester cine ntuk kete..qti test..ingtkn bek2 BARAN!
geram eden dibuwatnyerr...
ak slah kt jlan s,na wat u-turn..kete tade tp ak men u-turn jea n tak tuko gear...spatutnyerr ak kna brenti dlu n tuko gear ak tsilap...ak mintak maaplaa...pastu dye ttibe na bsing2...eihhh...tnsyen ak taww! rser cm bdesing jea tlinge nehh!! ak spanjang jlan uhh tu dpt fokus lngsung on d wae na blik driving skool uhh....
biler time wat bukit..ak da down dh sbb cine tuh jea!! ak wat bukit da na jtuh blakang ak truskan gakk..
ine uhh lak kua dr kete jrit2 leh gagal..eiihhh...lg gram ak taww....

~last2 ak dpt 16/20 jea....
~euhh..ak xkkn lupekn cine uhh smpai biler2!!!
~nsib bek ak sabar shaje....then kak ina drive r ak blik cos dye taw ak ltih....bliklaa kmi...
on d wae blk dlm kete,sbb ak frust sgt ak x sembg lngsung ngn kak ina cm slalu...ksian dye..ak bngang ngn cine uhh..kak ina lakk kna tape..ini sbagai pyuntik smangt ak ntuk wat ngn lbih bek ag bile kna test ngn jpj t!! tgoklaa...ak akn buktikn pde ko tester cine!!! eiihh!
tp ak dlam dilemma...knape ak rser cm cpat sgt jea ak amik test qti nehh walopon ak raser ka ta byk wat lagi n not ready...
lantaklaa...let bygone be bygone...start a neww day....ak akn buktikan!! nadia farhanis abdul mutalib...FIGHTING!!