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Friday, January 21, 2011

my lovely bias' thru hot and cold....hope still get the chance to meet them.

~i love them a lotte!
~have been with them thru hard times and thru happy-paddlepop times for such a long2 year..5 years....everyday and each time i switched on my computer..i will look at this pix several times...this is the several steps that i could take express all my misses to them..
~we may had fought several times...but faith bring us together...after each fought,one of us will beg for apology and the other accept the apology...thats how it turned a of life rite..give and take?? hihik..thats how our friendship got thru the years eventhough obstacles and hardships had come a lott.
~the nominees are:

#suryasufadhlyn.hussein:my mother...takes good care of me..she's a wise advisor...she is full of tricks and jokes...everyone can suit comfort and smoothly with her...she gave me a crystal ball as my bdae's present..a remembrance of her each time i shake..the glitters would sparkled inside it...

#masyitah.yusof:my delightful-squidy sister...sometimes can get 'emo' easily...but she's a friendly one and the most closest to me...i often tell her bout my feelings...seorang yg 'neat~type' person...

#mimi suzi natasha.rosli:ahha..she's a sweet skool..some of the boys are obsessed with her...but finally she made the rite choice by choosing a 'berok' as her soulmate..this is the closest one to me...i spent most of my times with her...she's the one who will take care of me if i'm the dorm...she's my heartthrobe..haha..

#rozaty.rozlim:a part of my life...i've spent the longest time of my skool life with her...from standard one to hi-skool form 5! i'm close to her parents..its the same for her..we're totally like siblings..she's such a caring person too..she's also a beauty...many of the boys like her too....

#nurul annajihan.suandi:my beauty eyes~~ hahak..dont mad anna! hihik..joking! all of us like to joke with her sometimes cos she's just like ''diam" "lantak kt kornglaa..ak ta kesah pon'' till one day..anna put herself apart from us...cos mebi we're to much...but noww..anna is back with us...anna is a good,kind-hearted person...i like the way anna treat me.. =)

#nor robiah.abdul rahman:the most beauty in our group....she had a big bright eyes with a sweet smile...if u see it,you would totally got a crush on her...most polite,well-mannered among care-taker..i've been in the same dorm with her for a long-long time,rite biah?? she knows all about my problems..from love to family..she's too kind..she's an angel..may Allah bless her all day..thru thick and thin..i love you,fren! stay more..sleep if u're dizzy,okey??

#nor hidayyah.hanafiah:my tutor..thaught me in everything!! in physics,chemistry,addmaths and even maths! competitve person and very2 smart student...the best scorer in skool...but sometimes dye neh 'keras kepale' skit...always need to win if there's any confusing about discussion...but...its okay..i've got used to it...thats charming bout her..never give up easily even for small u teacher!! =)

#mazrina.mahat:the hyper-active ones! hahak...she's also a beauty to me...seriously..if she smile the way it should be..i found her attractive! But she's a sensitive person....if u dont know her...don't tease her always..u might hurt her feelings or make her cry so badly..such a crybaby..but dats totally the charm of a honest gurl..very kind-hearted..and always open up to help people around her..she has a high-pitch spirit too..because of dat in skool..she leads everything..prs,ps,krs...and all the s.s.s.s u maze!!

#ezza ezzaty.ramli:the most cleanest,well-properly among us..neat gurl....i'd had a big fight with her long time ago..but dats okay..we're done noww..i also gave her a note-book..a polar bear our last meeting in jj..she's a smart gurl too..noww she's in studies! great rite?? she's our batch's leader assistant...ezza,fighting!

#nur fathien gakks...'fog' syang giler kt dye...till he's eager to questioned me bout her favorite's..she has such a big heart..teaches me..take care of me..i sleep beside her one day cos i'm feeling dizzy becos of too much studying,i think?? hahak...but she gets mad easily if u totally messed up with her...but deep in her heat..she had forgive them at the first place...

nur amanina:she's my teacher also..ak duk sbelah dye..n ak selalu stadi smbil hafal bsame nina...rsultnyer A+  untuk agama n sejarah!! hahak..thanx nieyna...a very organised person...all her stuffs are arranged neatly and well-propered...and kalu ta jage brang dye with care..siaplaa! hahak..cos nieyna pon agak dye akn cepat2 mintak maaf kalu dye de wat slah kt kite...louve u too nieyna..tataw pon cer pesal nieyna...sushlaa na kontek lovely_pink fren...take care of urself well okey~~~

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