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Friday, June 24, 2011

~study n learning styles are very much different in KMPk. ~

study?? learning styles's too much i think..rather than the verb+noun "too much",maybe "obviously differ" from what we'd had in schools before...
yeay...weird I'm telling you at first...from an average of 3 thousands students here..u were divide in a bunch of groups not like the big group laa..a smaller one...consists of 14 people like that..but in here..mainly the students are made up of girls..the ratio is like 4:2...2 times the girls than the boys in was like 4 boys in my tutorials n 10 for that add-up to 14 students in each tutorials...girls are dominating the higher education nowadays i guess...yeayy..u-go-girl!

let me explain the details Malaylaa snang kan...sains modul satu means...i take 4 major science sbjects which are maths...(aiyoo...lmah skit ak dlm neyy),physics(urggh,,lagilaa~),kimia and biologi(yeay! sbjek fevret ak!) for the ag modul 2 n modul 3...modul 2 sume amik xcept for bio...dorng drop bio rplace with science comp..same as modul 3..drop physic..yg len sume amik n yg physic uhh rplace with science comp...modul stu jea yg x amik science comp..

kuliah m3...means lecturelaa dlam dwan kuliah kn...wktu nehlaa..bru rmai2 laa about 112 dlm stu kuliah..wktu nehlaaa korang leh usha2 mmat2 nsem,mmat2 baek yg mnarik ati dr tutorials lain...jdikan skandal..(cm minat gitulaa kn..not fully fall in love)wat smangat skit ntuk x slah kn kalu ntuk tjuan baek..mne tawu..kot suke2 dlm diam2 uhh..tgok2 tu die haa jdoh kite..dah already dpan mate cume Allah lom bg kite tgok other words not realized yetlaa he's the one for siyes ak de kott...just skandal ntuk blaja gak..ak pngkah skit r sikp show-off xpelaa..bukn pmanent pon feeling ak kt die...abih staun t kt matrik...x jumpe dh~his name is...xyahlaa gtaw...simpan diam2 dlm ati.

n praktikum uhh..practical classes nak wat practical..or laboratory experiment kn...wktu klas praktikum uh r leh wat~~ best uhh best gak wat expriment time na wat rport..headache kaww! a modul 1 student...nothing is easy for it's up to me to decide my own path of achieving what i wanna be,rite~~ have faith,Nadia Farhanis! u know u can do itt from the very first start oke~~ have faith in Allah..he's always there for u..but ko je silap skit sbb kdang2 melupekan Dia...have faith in Allah! 

Sunday, May 29, 2011! (Kolej Matrikulasi Perak)

*wktu neh kt dewan sri kinta*

*jlan2 ats bukit wktu riadah~~*


*hehe,d sebalik pokok*

Thursday, May 19, 2011

~ i.hate.STALKERS.! ~

hurmmm...tatawlaa na ckp mcm mane...
oke,snang cer cmnielaa...bru2 neh nset ak ilang..ak keje n dpt gji ak bli nset n renew sim ak...msalahnyerr! due ato 3 ari pas uhh de mmat agak sewel neh kol ak tgah2 mlm kul satu....isshhh! ngacau daun ak na tido tol~

ak tataw dr mane die dpt tawu ak da renew sim ak....sape gtaw uhh memanglaa...actually,ak ngn die agk rpat dlu~~ tp seriously ak memang aggp die as a fren jea...x lbih dr tatawlaa kalu die anggap len r..lntak kt ko laa...ak memg x lyan...die pon tau ak kapel ngn sape n ak ske kt,pas ak clash neh na kontek2 ak apesal???! ak rimaslaa...! da orng tak kontek uhh orng tak sudi kwan r uhh,fham??!!

tp korang leh guess pe sbab ak jauhkan dri dr die...wktu rpat uhh,ak tataw abeh ag prangai sbenar die cmne...pndai mgayat pompuan..ingt ak leh cair ker? p mampus kt anglaa...ko ayat ak cmne pon ak xkkn cairlaa kalu da tawu prangai ko sengal cm uhh! 

k,smbung cer blik...last2,bsing sgt dok ring jea phone ak...ak off r trus...sok pg ak na charge...die kol blik...kol byk2 kli...ak off nset..bia charge but off....urghh..n anta msej byk kali...stu apa ak tak bce n ak diam jea...tlonglaa...jgn gnggu ak!! ak na jea citer prangai die kt korang kt ak maleh na ngaibkan orang...

asal ak on facebook...die on jea...smedang kua pop-out im dr die jer! byk2 pulak tuh...naik runsing ak dngo bnyi pop-outt im uhh....shut uppp!!! n then semalam die bg ayat sdih...(cehh,touchinglaa knon)ak xkkn tmakanlaa ayat2 ko...

'knape jauhkan diri dr ak?' 'ak tawu ak dak jhat' , 'kan kite rpat dlu','x boleh ker 'kite kwan blik cm dlu??' 'ak nangeh tawu ko wat ak cmni'
tlonglaa! ko uhh dak kes ko na nangeh2 sbb pompuan jea r...itu pompuan bwat de r...laki?? nangeh??? sbb kwan pompuan jea...kalu makwe die tak tawu cmnelaa...urgh! gli! laki nangeh!! plik! 

tp ak tkut en...sbb tgok2 die same matrik ngn ak...urgh! lglaa...ak tkutt...kwan baik ak sume wat decision last minute na g takpelaa itu hak diorang...kalu na blaja ikot kite,bukn ikot kwan...kalu ak pon bek ak amik uitm then matrik rezeki ak tade..ak ta dpt pape pon upu...takpelaa..rezeki sume di tgan Allah...

tp ak pling sedih bile 3 orang kwan yg ak hrap msuk Shafie Hanafi,Zafirah Radzi n Hidayyah Hanafiah xkkn studi sme2 ngn ak....ak memg rpat ngn pie ak anggp die cm abg ak...pape msalah ak gtaw die...die kwan yg bek n x miang! ayat die kool jea...ak ko je pnggil en..itu ag ak ske dr duk kol name2...urgghh! gli!! kwan pompuan jea dbnarkan mbahasekan name!! not boyss! ak tkut kalu die bpotensi wat harm kt ak pape nnt..ak tkut...

da takde tmpat na bgntung dh! mse nehlaa ak ingt kwan2 baik ak yg dah laen tmpt blaja ngn ak...sdihnyer ak~~~ ya Allah...lindungilah ak dr mamat uhh kt sane...supaye ak leh blaja ngn tnang n dpt keputusan yg cmerlang...amin Ya Allah...

burn,tlonglaa! jgn gnggu idop ak dah!! ak rimas+gli+runsing+tkut...!!!
jgn smpai ak trauma na kwan ngn laki,fham! urgghhh!! runsing3!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

kenape budak zman sekarang rmai yang tak tahu bersolat??

ak en...sibuk macam mane ponn walopon da bkarier salesgirl dh skang~~..ak sntiase ingtkn dri aku agar jgn lupe mnunaikan solat..itu laa daily routine yg ak pling rser wjib n memg ak nak bwat tiap2 ari....sbb ape....seriously when u're fully adapted to finally realised that you feel empty without itt,rser resah glisah kerana tidk dpat mnunaikan kewajipan kite sbagai seorng umat islam....sedangkan solat tu mudah sahaje sbenarnyerr kalu kite rjinkn dri kite ntuk bersolat stiap kli msuk wktu....

n td tetibe de sorang dak pompuan neh,,,,umor 8 tahunn...sbb dye agk rjin tegur ak en~~ tnpa segan silu ttibe dye ckp ntuk tggu dye stiap kli ak nak g solat....sbb dye na ikot skali smayang dye izza izzati or pggil along kt sne...mak n ayah dye keje kt foodcourt,kire giant uhh cm umah kedua r bg anak2 dye yg suke play around kt situ...

 ak tanye dye tawu al-fatihah?? dye jwab tahu...tahu mcm mane na smayang??? dye geleng jea smbil tnduk...pnah blajar?? dye kate pnah tp wktu drjah stu dlu~~ ak tnye blik ibu,ayah tak pnah aja smayang?? dye geleng ag n ckp ibu ayah dye ta pnah smayang,just smayang ikott dan jea...astaghfirullahalazim! sdih tol bile ak dpt tawu...knapelaa msih ag de prents yg mcm ni kt muke bumi nehh....ak rse kesal pon de...bnci ngn mak bpak dye pon de sbb ta pnah ddik anak dye stu ptah ape pon ttg islam n ajarannya...sush sgt ker na ddik anak ttg agama kite whai ibu ayah yg mude2 blaka??? 

hurm....mak bpak dye nmpk mude lg n nmpk tlalu sibuk sgt dgn keje shingge tiade mase ntuk mlyan kerenah ank2,mngaja anak2 dorng ttg khidupan...ak kesal n sdih n bnci2! sbb msih ade lg ibu bape yg tlalu pntingkn keje smpaikn lpas tgn jea pesl pngtahuan ank2 ttg agama mreka sndiri....agama len pon tak bwat mcm tuhh wlau dorng da tlnjur mne pon! 

so,ak ngn rse yg bcmpur baur uhh bwaklaa dye n adik dye yg kcik,haikal pg ikut ak ke surau na aja dpa smayang....mule2 ak amik air wduk dlu..tkial2 r dpa na ikot sbb ak cpt sgt...da sruh tggu ak na amik wduk dlu tamoe dngar...hahak..pstu ak ajalaa en...ya allah,brulaa ak tawu btapa tseksanyerr na mngaja budak2 neh bmule dri bwah...oh,ckgu...bru skang ak sedr btape pritnye na mdidik ank orng mjdi student yg educated...slepas tuh ak srungkan dak girl uhh pkai tlekung...

ak semayang,,,,khusyuk semampu yg ak bleh...dorng hnya mnurut pe yg ak watt...kalu ak rukuk,make dorng pon rukuklaa...n bgitulaa sterusnyerr...ak tol2 tharu sbb tbuka pintu ati n curiosity dorang ntuk blaja smayang~~ knapalaa mmat2,minah2 liar zman skang ta mcm dorng...curious+bsungguh2 na mdalami agama pegangn mreka...sbb tuhlaa bile jdi cmni mude2 pon da kwin...ta ckup duet...pstu tpakse bkrja keras na sara anak2...smayang ntah ke mane..ank pon lglaa tatw ape pon na smayang....pesal islam..hnya ALLAH,Rasulullah n surah Al-fatihah jea yg dye tawu...nauzubillahiminzalikk...YA ALLAH,ampunkanla dosa2 mereka ini ya allah...bukaknlaa pintu ati mereka untuk mnunaikan kwajipan mreka padamu~~~kalu solat lima wktu pon pling least mawu bwat...dah syukur alhamdulillah laa tuhhh...amin ya allah...=D

Sunday, April 17, 2011

and so~~~ i start to work...

 actually....this selcas could be after a few days since i'd start to work! looking all-gloomy and tired-endlessly all over my face..rite?? hahak,yess i am...tired so3 much....exhausted till i think i'm gonna be shut off like a pc server in anytime~~but thinking bout the salary...i was like gapchagi re-energised up all of the sudden! eyes are bling2 for moneyy!! but i wont end up choosing a rich-man as my life-partner just because i like moneyy...just someone who suits me the most! i assure you i'll be finding a good one as my 'nampyeon'.SOON! kidariyo jusaeyyeo!

PEACE from a tired full-time worker!!

 here goes my mouth! muncung-ing again! 
 i've found a new interest out of all the most benefit and useful habit in the world! and that wass called as 'muncung-ing' habitt! Whats that supposed to be,mann? says matluthfi to me in his 'loghat Kedah' Well,i'll tell u dear...but promise to marry me okey after i explain this thing whole out to you...while i was boring looking all around if there's any customer to cOme to my shopp,suddenly my other lovely pioneers detect that i love to stick my whole bunch of mouth on the above selca...this thing will automatically occur whenever i'm in this three mood...boring+curious+madd! and when i want to show a side of me in aegyo(wat2 comeyy!)

thats all! i'm all sleepylaa noww....kan3?? hehe~~

Sunday, April 3, 2011

passed.retest JPJ finally.and got keje full-time and burr...###**

Hohh...letih rasenyer taw taeyeon eonnie kt atas neyy...khamis ritu da lpas re-test JPJ kt litar..alhamdulillah..syukur ya allah..trima kasih....ak rase lege sgt sbb lpas neyy ak tak prlu lgi mbazirkn duit mak bpak ak ntuk re-test...trima kasih sgt ya allah.... bsoknyer kn...=((
ak dptlaa offer keje dari kwan mak ak...dpt jadi salesgirl bju mysara collection kt giant tmbun kn...sonoklaa bile dengo gaji dpt yg ta syioknyer ak kna keje all days pg 9.30 smpailaa 10.30 mlm..kalu syif..gji ak akn trun R JDI SKIT JEA...

hoowww then?? 
dilemma..bru jea keje due ari got dark circles dh under my eye..oh no.mannn!
YA ALLAH,bukakanlaa pintu rezeki ntuk sale ak...aminnnnnnnn
this is my idol eonnie,,,,IM YOON AH

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 he's the one for me?

Ak tol2 hope dpt jadi kapel yg ala2 cm korean-romantic style mcm neyy..sweet! Laki korea adalah my ideal type...actually,i'm a kpop lover...see my blog's name?? dats a proof n all my blogs belowww...mostly i'd write about my interest and adore to this so popular entertainment stream.....

wanna know something?? 
ak hrap he's the one for me...memanglaa basically he's not my type....memang tade stu pon yg i really want a good,wise,matured man as my future to be soulmate...jeng3! siape dye...hnye bestfren ak jea tawu...ideal type does not mean i have to find a real one,then get married..mcm tuh,pas graduate pon ak takkn kawin n have kids kalu beria sgt na berlakikan korean namja....hahak..(namja adelah laki dlm bhase korea)

how did it just came like that all of a sudden...unbearable sweaty sumtimes,heart all beating so fast...yess,got an ache at ma stomach whenever i'm feeling nervous...i'd finally totally falling for his charm....

actually,we're in the same class...and he's a lott better than me in anything making me feel like "is he really the one for me...??" From all aspects,we're not paired up for each other in any of all the criteria...he's maybe cute,good-looking though sumtimes...(only who'd fallen for him would say so i guess..hehe),he's brilliant and so smart2...++,he's generous..thats why he'd choosen as the leader...and the most charming about him...he is "alim"...i really2 need a guy who's very fussy about religious him...pray a lott...i want a guy who can guide me to pray jemaah together with him...reciting "Yaasin" together every thursday's nite...

So,I'm begging...i hope there's one for me when the time comes,eventhough if he's not the one for me...=D

Saturday, March 19, 2011


INFINITE (Korean인피니트) diorang neh band baru arr....aku jatuh ati kt dorng sejak dorang debut lagu "BTD" atau lebih dikenali sebagai "Before The Dawn".INFINITE adalah sebuah band Korea yg makin mningkat naik namanyer consist of 7 members i told u babe....di atas tu ak uploadkn video dorng so,korang leh tgok n tol2 rse impressed thadap dorng neyy...

baiklaahhh!! tanpa perlu memanjang2kan ayat ak..ak introducekan..the seven2 ahli dorng neyy...start dengn leader dorng! xlen x bukan exquisite vocalist Sung Gyu
Name: Kim Sung Gyu
Birthday: April 28, 1989
Height: 178 cm
Position: Leader of Infinite and main vocal
Height: 178cm
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music.
Talent: Speaking Chinese

                                           and infinite's L@MYUNG SOO

L (Vocal & Face of Infinite)

Name: Kim Myung Soo (김명수)
Birthdate: 13/03/1992
Height: 178cm
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Cooking, exercise, rap.
Talent: Rap.

                                         our innocent,ADORABLE SUNG YEOL!!

ღLee SungYeol 이성열ღ
Name: Lee Sung Yeol (이성열)
Birthdate: 27/08/1991
Height: 180cm
Blood Type: B
Talent: Rap.

                             our charismatic,body-builder HOYA@HO WON
ღLee HoWon 이호원ღ
HoYa (Vocal,Rap & Dance)

Name: Lee Ho Won (이호원)
Birthdate: 26/03/1991
Height: 175cm
Blood Type: AB
Hobbies: Playing games.
Talents: Dance, rap.

              and ag stu....powerful vocal,look-alike shinee's jonghyun..WOO HYUN

ღNam WooHyun 남우현ღ
WooHyun (Main Vocal)

Name: Nam Woo Hyun (남우현)
Birthdate: 08/02/1991
Height: 176cm
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Skiing, tennis.
Talent: Cooking.

                             our cute,maknae....baik2 comeyy SUNG JONG

ღLee SungJong (이성종)ღ
SungJong (Vocal, Maknae)

Name: Lee Sung Jong (이성종)
Birthdate: 03/09/1993
Height: 177cm
Blood Type: A

                                   and our rapper...well-hygiened among infinites's DONG WOO
ღJang DongWoo 장동우ღ
DongWoo (Rapper)

Name: Jang Dong Woo (장동우)
Birthdate: 22/11/1990
Height: 175cm
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Skateboarding.
Talent: Beatboxing, snowboarding.

AND kat bwah neyy ak attachlaa skit bape2 gmbo deme yg ak ade~~~                       

 neh wktu dorng debut lgu "Before The Dawn"

and neh lakk photoshoot ntuk mv lgu baru dorng yg bru jea kua 17 mac neyy... "Nothing's Over"

nak tgok mv baru dorang  "Nothing's Over" jom,ak uploadkn kt bwah...